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#取消接受和关闭Python处理/多处理侦听器连接的正确方法| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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(I'm using the pyprocessing module in this example, but replacing processing with multiprocessing should probably work if you run python 2.6 or use the multiprocessing backport)

I currently have a program that listens to a unix socket (using a processing.connection.Listener), accept connections and spawns a thread handling the request. At a certain point I want to quit the process gracefully, but since the accept()-call is blocking and I see no way of cancelling it in a nice way. I have one way that works here (OS X) at least, setting a signal handler and signalling the process from another thread like so:

import processing from processing.connection import Listener import threading import time import os import signal import socket import errno # This is actually called by the connection handler. def closeme(): time.sleep(1) print 'Closing socket...' listener.close() os.kill(processing.currentProcess().getPid(), signal.SIGPIPE) oldsig = signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, lambda s, f: None) listener = Listener('/tmp/asdf', 'AF_UNIX') # This is a thread that handles one already accepted connection, left out for brevity threading.Thread(target=closeme).start() print 'Accepting...' try: listener.accept() except socket.error, e: if e.args[0] != errno.EINTR: raise # Cleanup here... print 'Done...'

The only other way I've thought about is reaching deep into the connection (listener._listener._socket) and setting the non-blocking option...but that probably has some side effects and is generally really scary.

Does anyone have a more elegant (and perhaps even correct!) way of accomplishing this? It needs to be portable to OS X, Linux and BSD, but Windows portability etc is not necessary.

Clarification: Thanks all! As usual, ambiguities in my original question are revealed :)

I need to perform cleanup after I have cancelled the listening, and I don't always want to actually exit that process. I need to be able to access this process from other processes not spawned from the same parent, which makes Queues unwieldy The reasons for threads are that: They access a shared state. Actually more or less a common in-memory database, so I suppose it could be done differently. I must be able to have several connections accepted at the same time, but the actual threads are blocking for something most of the time. Each accepted connection spawns a new thread; this in order to not block all clients on I/O ops.

Regarding threads vs. processes, I use threads for making my blocking ops non-blocking and processes to enable multiprocessing.


Isnt that what select is for??

Only call accept on the socket if the select indicates it will not block...

The select has a timeout, so you can break out occasionally occasionally to check if its time to shut down....


I thought I could avoid it, but it seems I have to do something like this:

from processing import connection connection.Listener.fileno = lambda self: self._listener._socket.fileno() import select l = connection.Listener('/tmp/x', 'AF_UNIX') r, w, e = select.select((l, ), (), ()) if l in r: print "Accepting..." c = l.accept() # ...

I am aware that this breaks the law of demeter and introduces some evil monkey-patching, but it seems this would be the most easy-to-port way of accomplishing this. If anyone has a more elegant solution I would be happy to hear it :)


I'm new to the multiprocessing module, but it seems to me that mixing the processing module and the threading module is counter-intuitive, aren't they targetted at solving the same problem?

Anyway, how about wrapping your listen functions into a process itself? I'm not clear how this affects the rest of your code, but this may be a cleaner alternative.

from multiprocessing import Process from multiprocessing.connection import Listener class ListenForConn(Process): def run(self): listener = Listener('/tmp/asdf', 'AF_UNIX') listener.accept() # do your other handling here listen_process = ListenForConn() listen_process.start() print listen_process.is_alive() listen_process.terminate() listen_process.join() print listen_process.is_alive() print 'No more listen process.'




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